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Sugar & Ethanol Asia
24 - 26 September 2024
Radisson Blu Bangkok Plaza

The Production & Operations Technology Workshop: 24 September 2024
Main Conference: 25 - 26 September 2024



The International Sugar Organization (ISO) is an intergovernmental body under the United Nations dedicated to fostering global collaboration within the sugar industry. With member countries from around the world, the ISO plays a crucial role in addressing challenges and promoting cooperation to ensure the stability and sustainability of the global sugar market. As the only intergovernmental organization of its kind, the ISO is committed to improving conditions in the sugar sector through debate, analysis, special studies, transparent statistics, seminars, conferences, and workshops.

Since the mid-90s, our forward-thinking approach to integrating ethanol from sugar crops into our initiatives has played a significant role in advancing the importance of biofuels in the global energy mix.