Main Conference Day One
How do we define energy transition and what is the distinction between digital transition, energy transition and social transition? Is the terms being overused? Is energy transition a sector or a lens? How can we keep on path with a huge increase of demand for power? Analysing the risk profile of energy transition.
- Anup Jacob - Managing Partner, Activate Capital
- Giulia Noli - Director, Infrastructure and Project Finance – EMEA Private Capital, MetLife Investment Management
Exploring the latest in developments with IRA and the Infrastructure Act. Carbon border adjustment mechanism and use of State Aid legislation as a proxy for tariffs on non-European manufacturers. How can the market players best navigate the latest and anticipated regulatory and legislative changes? Examining the impact of US Presidential Elections on US energy policy and investment. SDFR Articles 8 and 9 in the spotlight.
How have the rising costs for alternative energy production, inflation, supply chain issues and high interest rates affected the returns? How can we create a self-reliant economy that connects energy security and technological security? How does Europe compare to the US? How has the US market changed since Trump regained power? Sharing practical advice on navigating the current macro-economic environment.
How do LPs allocate to energy transition: is there a specific allocation pot? Sharing LP views on upmarket vs. midmarket fund managers and generalist vs specialist funds: what do investors prefer and how does the fundraising differ? How welcoming are LPs to new technologies? Discovering what data is available to LPs vs. what they require. Exploring the difference in perspectives and approaches between financing just “green assets” vs. financing the transition “brown to green”.
- Uwe Fleischhauer - Founding Partner and member of the Executive Board, YIELCO Investments AG
- Matteo Squilloni - Head of Climate Transition – Equity Investments, European Investment Fund
- Sven Rossmann - Chief Investment Officer, Abacon Capital
Where is the capital being raised and deployed across the energy sector? What sectors are managers prioritising? Which markets offer the best prospects for deals and return generation?
Examining the supply/demand dynamics in the energy transition fundraising space. How is the growing number of energy transition focused funds influencing the fundraising landscape? Exploring the increased M&A activity on the GP level. What role does energy transition play in the GP deal flow? Discovering new sources of fundraising where is the capital coming from?
- Cindi Bough - Managing Director, Climate Investing (CI)
- Ethan Levine - Managing Director, CF Private Equity
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How attractive and competitive are renewables today given the macro-economic challenges they had to overcome? Examining the investment criteria and financing options for energy transition. Sharing examples of successful strategies and new disruptive business models to ensure high returns. What are the key opportunities and risks investors and developers need to consider? What emerging technologies are set to transform renewable capabilities, synergies, and deployment potential? Exploring the negative pricing arising from cannibalisation of renewables.
- Balduin Hesse - CEO and President, Frontier Renewables
Exploring the role of oil & gas in energy transition. How much capital will really be needed going forward to meet the demand: is what we have enough? Is investment in the oil industry necessary and consistent with the energy transition? Is gas necessary as a transition fuel? Is investing in gas necessary and acceptable for climate-focused investors? How has the business model of oil & gas adapted to existing pressures? Discovering the investment potential of liquid natural gas.
- Siddharth Kumar - Director, IMPERIUM Capital
What will it take for nuclear power to meet the climate challenge? Uncovering opportunities nuclear power presents to meet increasing electricity demand. Can the industry reverse the trend of exceeding budgets and timelines while scaling up fast enough to rise to the climate challenge? Exploring emerging technologies designed to support industrial to ensure a nuclear scale-up.
- Haakon Gresvig - Managing Director, Probitas Partners
Sharing examples of how investors can quantify the carbon footprint of real estate portfolios. What solutions are available to decarbonize real estate portfolios and how can they be implemented in practice? Net zero versus ‘carbon neutrality’ – the stark differences in ambition and impact. Benchmarking: are we moving fast enough? A focus on embodied carbon and the increasing challenge to rebuild versus refurb.
Exploring the potential for biogas and biomethane in Europe. Which geographies are most promising for investors and how do the risks differ between them? Examining various business models and capital sources required to deliver on the growth expectations for the sector. What are the key risks and constraints facing investors in this space? What role will biomass have going forward, and does biomass represent an attractive investment opportunity for climate investors? Uncovering new emerging technologies which can fundamentally change this space in the near term.
A discreate exchange of wins and fails amongst investors. What has worked and what hasn’t? What are the key challenges associated with allocating to energy transition and how satisfying have the return been?
This exclusive discussion group is open to 20 pre-registered development finance institutions, endowments, foundations, insurance companies, pension funds and sovereign wealth funds, subject to qualification. Run under the Chatham House Rule. To register, please contact:
- Siddharth Kumar - Director, IMPERIUM Capital