Connect with 350+ senior private credit decision makers
Raise your profile. Make and reinforce connections. Increase brand awareness.
Contact Hannah Postlethwaite on or call +44 (0) 7385 005 011
senior attendees
local and international LPs
Sponsorship opportunities
Meet and network
Create new contacts and build relationships with over 350+ senior private credit professionals.
Ensure you meet the people that matter to you with our one-to-one meeting service or hire a private meeting room to get that key deal done.
Be seen
Raise your profile and brand exposure at the event and demonstrate how you can help 450+ potential clients.
Be heard
Show why you're an industry leader by taking a speaking slot at SuperReturn Private Credit Asia.
Tell your story to 350+ senior decision makers including 120+ LPs and 150+ GPs.
Richer insights. Actionable leads.
Lead Insights is a new tool we offer you as a sponsor, to help transform your leads into customers. It combines rich data from across our events and digital campaigns and translates it into actionable insights for you.
Host a social
Make a splash.
Whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, you can host a large or more exclusive gathering of industry professionals.
Reach your clients all year round
Shape the markets you operate in. Be a valued and trusted voice in the private capital industry.
Showcase your brand and expertise through SuperReturn’s digital products, channels, videos and newsletters.