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SuperReturn Private Credit Asia
7-8 May 2025
JW MarriottHong Kong

Connect with 350+ senior private credit decision makers

Raise your profile. Make and reinforce connections. Increase brand awareness.

Contact Hannah Postlethwaite on or call +44 (0) 7385 005 011


senior attendees


local and international LPs



Sponsorship opportunities

Meet and network

Create new contacts and build relationships with over 350+ senior private credit professionals.

Ensure you meet the people that matter to you with our one-to-one meeting service or hire a private meeting room to get that key deal done.

Be seen

Raise your profile and brand exposure at the event and demonstrate how you can help 450+ potential clients.

Be heard

Show why you're an industry leader by taking a speaking slot at SuperReturn Private Credit Asia.

Tell your story to 350+ senior decision makers including 120+ LPs and 150+ GPs.

Richer insights. Actionable leads.

Lead Insights is a new tool we offer you as a sponsor, to help transform your leads into customers. It combines rich data from across our events and digital campaigns and translates it into actionable insights for you.

Host a social

Make a splash.

Whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, you can host a large or more exclusive gathering of industry professionals.

Reach your clients all year round

Shape the markets you operate in. Be a valued and trusted voice in the private capital industry.

Showcase your brand and expertise through SuperReturn’s digital products, channels, videos and newsletters.

Tell us your business goals. We'll help you achieve them.

Contact Hannah Postlethwaite on or call +44 (0) 7385 005 011