Tax & Estate Planning
June 2025
June 2025

Tax & Estate Planning 2024

The 2024 budget - urgent action needed!

Join us in London to explore the consequences of the 2024 budget: estate planning, offshore settlements, end of the remittance basis, abolition of domicile as a connecting factor and more

2024 agenda highlights included:

Curated by Patrick C Soares (Field Court Tax Chambers), the second instalment of our tax seminars will cover how a range of clients may be affected by the abolishment of the non-doms regime. Topics include:

  • What happens when domicile ceases to be a relevant tax connecting factor for tax purposes from April 2025?
  • The IHT excluded property regime from April 2025 - how does it operate for trusts and individuals?
  • What now for protected trusts - what should deemed doms do?
  • Overseas workers relief changes
  • IHT planning under the new regime & non-settlor interest trusts
  • Ending the existing regime for income tax and capital gains - the disturbing of the tax code
  • Portugal beckons - what is happening in the favourite alternative jurisdiction?
  • Transitional reliefs and rebasing
  • Planning for the new regime - what should be done?

Smith & Williamson

Great breadth and depth of topics