Thank You for Joining Us at FUSE in Miami!

you've returned to the office ready to implement all of the learnings from the
event. The feedback from this year's event was overwhelmingly positive and it
seems everyone approved of the move to sunny Miami! We are thrilled to announce
that we will be back in Miami for FUSE 2017 and hope to see you all there next
Your participation, collaboration and networking made this year's conference an
unforgettable experience and we hope you had a great experience.
A special thank you to our amazing FUSE co-chairs Cheryl Swanson and John
Silva, all of the speakers that gathered at FUSE to share their learnings and
experiences, to all of YOU that attended and supported FUSE and of course our
partners and sponsors for making this event possible.
FUSE Connect: Presentations &
Summary to share with your team
now posted on the FUSE connect site and available for download.
Please follow the steps below to access the presentations:
Click this link:
Click on the presentation you would like to view
(a PDF of the presentation will open in a new window)
Executive Summary: To download the
summary, click here:
FUSE Presentation Videos: For the FUSE video channel, click here:
NOTE: Some company policies prevent speakers from posting their presentations.
We recommend you connect via this site to reach out to the speaker directly.
FUSE 2016 had social media ablaze during the event! Follow up on LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and the Blog for event recaps and continuing conversations from the
event. Whether you contribute or just want to read along, stay up to date on
all things FUSE!
STAY INSPIRED: Top Sound bites from FUSE
Enough about us what did you think about
Evaluate Speakers & Content: As we plan for the upcoming FUSE London taking
place Nov 30-Dec 2nd and we begin to think about FUSE 2017, we would love to
get any and all feedback you have on your 2016 experience. If you would like to
set up a call with the conference producer to share a few thoughts by phone
please email Romina at to set up a
time. If you prefer to share your thoughts via email below are a couple of
quick questions.
Thank you for taking the time.
FUSE 2016 Feedback: Please email these to conference producer Romina at
Speakers: What were your most/least favorite
speakers and why?
Content: Is there a theme or topic that we may
have missed? Something that you would like us to explore further in 2017?
Keynotes: Who would you like to see on the main
Format / Layout of the event: What were your
thoughts on layout of overall program: Number of tracks, positioning of
keynotes, length of sessions, amount of speakers..
Tours: If you participated in any tours we would
love your thoughts. If you have suggestions of possible tours for 2017 in the
Miami area please let us know.
Salon Sessions: What did you think? What could
be improved? Would you like to see these again on the 2017 program?
Thank you so much for taking the time and if
there is anything additional you would like to share please feel free to
include those thoughts.
If you would like to be a speaker at either the November 2016 London FUSE or
2017 FUSE Miami program, please contact Romina Kunstadter directly at