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Real Estate Forum
December 4-5, 2024
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building, TorontoChairs’ Reception – December 3 – Fairmont Royal York

Anuradha Dodda
Head of Engineering/CTO at Thomson Reuters


Anu is an executive leader with 26+ years of experience in retail, finance, banking, payments, tax, and trade industries leading technology transformations and innovation. She specializes in leveraging technology for transformation and growth, and is passionate about large-scale business and tech transformations, building high-performing teams, and promoting innovation while ensuring compliance.

She is an active tech community speaker on topics like leadership, diversity & inclusion, cloud transformation, and modern technologies. She is also a strong advocate for women in tech and has been recognized as a leading female tech executive who is driving technology forward.

Anu is honored to be acknowledged as one of the world's most influential executives in digital transformation, as recognized by Constellation Research Inc.'s BT150.

Agenda Sessions

  • AI and it’s impact on how we do business: what you need to know, understand and be prepared for
