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Real Estate Forum
December 4-5, 2024
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building, TorontoChairs’ Reception – December 3 – Fairmont Royal York

Rob Murchison
Co-Founder at Intelligent Buildings


Since its inception in 2004, Intelligent Buildings, guided by Rob Murchison and his team, has significantly helped worldwide commercial building stakeholders achieve their unique business goals. Their business outcome first approach guides digital technology at the property level, filtering out the unnecessary buzz around smart building technologies. Rob is a proud alumnus of Duke University in the United States with a BA in Economics and firmly believes in ongoing learning and collaboration. His educational journey has also fueled his creativity, leading to several US patents under his name. Rob lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with Laura, his wife of 30 years. Rob's thirst for knowledge motivates him and Laura to travel extensively across the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Through these journeys, he unearths new ways to tackle the current issues in commercial buildings. His current focus is helping commercial building owners adapt to shifting occupant needs, cost reductions in the face of more technology, and adherence to global ESG regulations across various CRE sectors.

Agenda Sessions

  • The cross-section of ESG & technology: how are technological advances impacting ESG, building performance, achieving net zero and your bottom line
