Michael Mylonas KCBarrister at Serjeants' InnSpeaker
Michael Mylonas KC is Joint Head of the Serjeants’ Inn Chambers Court of Protection team. He has a substantial private client practice and is often instructed in cases where capacity is in issue or cases concerning the Court’s jurisdiction to safeguard the interests of those who lack capacity. He has particular experience dealing with HNW individuals and their families when such issues are live. Included in the Hot 100 for “securing legal firsts in exciting new areas of law", he frequently advises both domestic and international clients on Court of Protection remedies and strategies and has appeared in many of the leading cases concerning medical treatment, assisted dying, euthanasia and fertility treatment. He is highly sought after by clients seeking advice in this area and the overlap with family and probate work.
The Lawyer notes his work in “a series of ground-breaking cases at the intersection of biology, ethics and law, often pushing regulatory boundaries and shaping the public debate".
Agenda Sessions
Conflicting outcomes for incapacity in different jurisdictions and how this impacts decision-making and structuring
, 15:30View Session