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Trusts in Litigation
19 - 21 March 2025
Hotel Villa Pamphili RomaRome

Iain Miller
Partner at Kingsley Napley


Iain leads a team at Kingsley Napley that specialises in all aspects of the regulation of law firms. He is General Editor of the leading textbook on legal services regulation, Cordery on Legal Services, and Chair of the City of London Law Society’s Professional Rules and Regulation Committee. His work involves advising law firms and other legal services providers on legal ethics, investigations, and disciplinary prosecutions as well as advice on the impact of the regulatory framework on legal businesses and those investing in them. He is the lead partner in respect of Stratify by Kingsley Napley which provides strategic advice on legal services regulation.

Agenda Sessions

  • Concordia discors: How can we litigate without crossing the line?
