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Trusts in Litigation
19 - 21 March 2025
Hotel Villa Pamphili RomaRome

Melody Munro
Senior Associate at Farrer & Co


Melody Munro is a senior associate in Farrer & Co’s Contentious Trusts & Estates team. Melody is experienced in advising clients across a broad range of situations, particularly those involving trusts, estates and private wealth disputes, on all stages of litigation from pre-action to appeal.

Melody is experienced in advising on contentious claims for the removal of trustees or executors, breach of trust or duty, negligence, 1975 Act claims and validity issues. She is regularly involved in highly charged family situations where the restructuring of trusts and wealth holding structures are needed. Melody also advises on capacity issues, helping clients plan for a time where they, or loved ones, may lose the capacity to make decisions for themselves, as well as advising trustee clients on their duties when faced with settlors, protectors and beneficiaries who may lack capacity to make decisions, express wishes or exercise powers.

Agenda Sessions

  • It will inflame you, it will make you mad: Non-Contentious Probate


At this event