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Trusts in Litigation
19 - 21 March 2025
Hotel Villa Pamphili RomaRome

Serle Court


Serle Court offers genuine expertise across a broad range of chancery and commercial disciplines. In the private client arena, it has a pre-eminent reputation for offshore trusts litigation, domestic probate matters, claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family & Dependants) Act 1975 and charities work. One of our core practice areas is trusts and we are applauded for being “the leading chambers for the big offshore trusts disputes,” and for having “a varied spectrum of skilled practitioners.’”

Serle Court has 73 barristers including 27 silks who are involved in the most contentious and high-value trust and estates litigation in the UK and offshore, being ranked in Tier 1 for Private Client and Offshore Work. We advise and appear across the common law world as well as in England and we are one of the most prominent and widely-used sets for such litigation in the Channel Islands, the Eastern Caribbean, Bermuda, Cayman, Bahamas and Hong Kong.

In 2022 Serle Court was awarded 'Set of the Year' at the Chambers HNW Awards. At the time, Chambers and Partners commented that "This powerhouse chancery set has members acting on all sides of the massive Wong v. Grand View PTC litigation, which went to up the Privy Council in March last year" and is believed to be the largest (and possibly most complex) piece of contentious trusts litigation globally to date. In 2021, Serle Court was awarded ‘Chambers of the Year’ at the Citywealth Magic Circle Awards. The judges described Serle Court as “the chambers of the future” and “forward-looking and quick to react”.