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CompLaw: UK
25 February 2025
Marriott Marble ArchLondon, United Kingdom

Richard Flanagan
Director of Mergers at Competition & Markets Authority (CMA)


Richard Flanagan is a Director of Mergers at the Competition and Markets Authority. He has broad experience across the CMA’s mergers portfolio, having been involved from briefing paper stage through to the successful defence of appellate claims in the CAT, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. Most recently, he was the Director of Mergers responsible for the CMA’s Phase 1 and 2 review of the proposed merger between Vodafone and Three. He is qualified as a lawyer in England and Wales, Canada and New Zealand, and prior to joining the CMA was a senior associate at a leading Magic Circle firm.

Agenda Sessions

  • Merger Control: Update on the Revamped Regime
