Meet the Judges
Led by’s David Armstrong, a panel of independent judges made up of top names in the industry will determine Finalists and Winners of the awards. A record-breaking number of nominations were submitted in 2025, with over 1,000 entries received from more than 400 companies.
David Armstrong Awards Program Chair
Director of Editorial Strategy & Operations for the Wealth Management Group
The Industry Awards are independently granted in recognition of business initiatives that enhance financial advisor success and help advisors create better outcomes for their clients.
The program begins with an open nomination process for all categories which extends from February to May. Firms submit business initiatives either introduced or enhanced during the previous 18 months. Submissions are reviewed in June by a panel of independent judges with required industry expertise, looking at the submission’s innovation, scope and impact. From the pool of submissions, judges select finalists for each category. Each judge on the committee then ranks those finalists, with the weighted aggregate ranking determining the winner. Winners are announced in September.
No financial compensation is paid for consideration in the award process. Judges’ decisions are made independent of any firm’s business relationships with Informa Plc. Judges recuse themselves from the process from selecting finalists or winners for any category where the conflict exists.