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Quant Finance

What are the latest trends in quantitative finance?

Posted by on 16 May 2019
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Live from QuantMinds International, we sat down with the industry’s thought leaders to find out more about the future of quantitative finance and the areas which will have the most innovation.

Jesper Andreasen, Kwant Daddy at SaxoBank, on the areas that need the most improvement in quantitative finance.

Peter Carr, Department Chair, Finance and Risk Engineering at NYU Tandon School, on machine learning, quantum computing, an innovations in quantitative finance.

Laura Ballotta, Reader in Financial Mathematics at Cass Business School, on weather derivatives and the impact of climate change on quantitative finance

Damiano Brigo, Chair and Head of Group, Mathematical Finance at Imperial College London, on new evaluation adjustments, the use of machine learning, new approaches to the role of the quant

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