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Crewing & Professional Development

Women in Shipping – The advent of activism, positive affirmation and breaking the glass ceiling

CrewConnect Global 2018, Manila

The question of diversity in shipping has been on the radar for a few years now. Some may say not enough is being done to encourage and promote women in shipping, so we would propose to move the conversation to a more practical, evidence-based and solution-focused approach and ask:

  • What roles are women currently filling in the industry?

  • How is the advent of technology, data analytics and IoT likely to change this standing?

  • Would positive affirmation initiatives in maritime education, cadetships and employment work? Who would support or oppose?

  • The practicalities: what are the common objections to employment of women on board, how can they be defeated and why aren’t they?

The panellists are:

  • Andreas Nordseth, Director General, Danish Maritime Authority

  • Karen Avelino, Executive Director of Business Development, Shipping Cluster, Philippine Transmarine Carriers

  • Angie Hartmann, Executive Vice President – Crew Affairs, Starbulk SA

  • Valentina Basso, Crew Development & Strategy, MSC Cruises

  • Georgia Dowdall, Crew Development & Strategy, Managerial Recruitment, MSC Cruises

  • Nina Sue Da Silva, Branch Manager, OSM Maritime Group

The discussion is moderated by Karen Waltham, Managing Director of HR Consulting, Spinnaker Global. Log in or register to watch >>>

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