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Wealth & Investment Management

2030: The world of Next Generation Fund Management

Posted by on 24 August 2016
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What will the fund and wealth management industries look like in 2030? How will traditional players be able to offer services to digital natives during their prime earning years? Below, President of Aviador and Associates Brian Byrne takes a look into the future at what the fund management landscape may look like in just 15 years' time.

AmazonWealth rose to pre-eminence as the world’s largest wealth management provider after “The Great Reallocation-Reset” in 2018. Now in 2030, The Millennial generation, well into middle age, were finally getting serious about funding their “semi-Re” years (the notion of “full” retirement gradually vanished in the 2008-2018 decade). In 2016, UK-based Stephenson’s law firm had published research suggesting that 2/3 of Boomer generation parents planned to spend down their savings with intent to transfer “zero” wealth to their Millennial children. Similar studies in the USA and the EU confirmed this intent and most Boomers spent wildly in old age.

Traditionally defined “fiat paper money” and “apps” vanished with “Re-Reset”; privately issued bio-digital “Scrypto” currencies replaced old money. “Bio is the new digital” exclaimed the Chief Science Officer of Amazon; she had created a fantastic “Stuff-meter” feature that gave real time updates to SuperPrime service subscribers as to precisely what their stash of wealth would buy in terms of equivalent goods and services. A feed to Hyper-Social Media ensured that family and friends would know who was really “wealthy” and who was faking it.

Traditional Financial Services providers had largely failed to pivot to the new reality. Most were merged away into oblivion; some were absorbed by VISA, Mastercard and AlphaAppleMoney (Alphabet and Apple had merged in 2020) as most bank functions had been replaced by FinTech innovation, especially the “BioBlockchain Revolution”. The SuperHack that CyberArk experts predicted back in 2018 had arrived and the bank’s archaic cyber defences were overwhelmed. The GenZ group---now entering their peak earning years---wore small holographic patches declaring “I AAA WT” (“In Amazon AlphaApple We Trust”) which, conveniently, could be used for biometric-verified spending, saving and investing globally.

Few had foreseen how the old “credit card” companies would encroach upon the Investment/Funds space—these players took the Millennial generation by storm, capturing not only their spending but their saving and investing.

“VR kiosks” could be found everywhere: almost like the old-fashioned telephone booths or quaint ATM machines; one could enter a glass pod, don a VR headset and hold up the patch to the scanner with the extra security of bio-retinal veri-scan. Most preferred the “beauty-patch” which was tattooed on the face between the brow and hairline (Hyper-Celeb North West wore hers this way). SDD --Sony-DisneyDreamworks--had created a marvellous interactive and immersive cinematic “client experience” without paper and without bureaucracy. The simulation would present a dynamically valued summary of all balances, investments and introduce new opportunities that were generated by the Hyper-Analytics engines. These engines, jointly developed by Amazon and AlphaApple, had mined the most comprehensive and granular predictive behaviour profiles of everyone on the planet and could present hyper-tailored investment recommendations based on a spectrum of risk and reward profiles. All the client would have to do is nod or shake their head to approve or decline an investment offered (it was important to suppress a sneeze or a cough while in the pod). Funds from the “pre ReReset” era were now referred to as “Finds” in the sense that the predictive algorithms had “found” various investment opportunities which matched what the Hyper-Analytic algos indicated would be of interest to the client. One nod and it would land in the investor’s “WealthNest” in a blink of an eye. Another innovation, “Find of Finds” were VIP status investments, reserved for “UltraStuff Wealthineers” who were often stalked on HyperMedia---everyone wanted to know how they did it and there was an active market for the acquired DNA of these people.

None of this seemed to be on the horizon when Fund Managers convened around the world at various #FundForum conferences around the world—Berlin, Boston, London, Monaco—in the pre-2020 era. But there was more innovation and disruption yet to come...

Brian Byrne will be appearing on two panels (details below) at the upcoming FundForum NextGen Distribution conference taking place in Boston, 25 - 27 October 2016. 

What does the future of customer communication and engagement look like? 11:30am, Tuesday 26th October.

What Are The Fintech Solutions That Could Differentiate Your Brand, To Boost Sales And Grow AUM? An Exploration Of Who Is Using What, Where And To What Affect? 3:30pm, Tuesday 26th October.

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