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29 Ways to Stay Creative

Posted by on 30 April 2014
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Creativity is something that many look beyond, but
creativity is one of the greatest qualities we can be lucky enough to have, but
many never allow their true creativity to be expressed.
Our ability to express our deepest feelings is at the core
of the importance of creativity. As humans we have a very strong need to
express ourselves and we're happiest when other people understand what we are
trying to get across to them.
We can all benefit from a boost to our creative juices.
Those who are truly creative don't copy what others do; instead, they may use
innovative ideas from others as a springboard to come up with a unique product
for themselves. They tend to distance themselves from the competition rather
than compete with them. If they see another company or person copying what they
do, they create something even better. Put simply, they are able to leverage
their creativity and innovative capabilities to attain success.
Would you like the ability to stay creative longer? You are in luck. Check out this cool
infographic, <a href=""'29
Ways to Stay Creative' by Creattica by Envato.

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