60 seconds with...Mussie Kidane, Banque Pictet & Cie

We all know what they are experts on, but we want to know what makes our speakers tick. In this series, we sit down with some of our key speakers for 60 seconds to find out a bit more about them before they take to the stage at FundForum International in Berlin, 6-8 June 2017.
60 seconds with... Mussie Kidane, Banque Pictet & Cie
1. What is your personal philosophy?
“It matters not how strait the gate,
How charges with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.“
- W.E.Henley
2. If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
I would love to spend the day helping at the kitchen of the chefs that I admire. As a matter of fact, i wanted to be a patissier as a teenage. It turned out that I wasn't good at it.
3. Disruption is always on the tip of everyone's tongue. In your opinion, what is going to be the ultimate game-changer for the finance industry?
The ultimate game-changer for the finance industry would be, in my opinion, to eagerly direct the brainpower that the industry draws into finding innovative solutions that first and foremost benefit the end-clients and, as a result and only as a result, will prove enduringly profitable for the industry itself.
4. What's your favourite thing about Berlin?
Definitely going for a 10km run around the Tiergarten in the evening. The park is magnificent and the course allows for a spending surprise of passing through the famous Brandenburg Door and the imposing Reichtag Bulding. A must try in Berlin.
5. What are you most looking forward to at FundForum International 2017?
I am looking forwards to catching up with fellow fund selectors and industry actors. I am also looking forward to listening to and discussing with the impressive list of speakers lined up.
Mussie Kidane will be taking part in the panel discussion 'Innovations in a common due diligence platform: assessing efficiencies for asset managers and buyers' at the upcoming FundForum International taking place in Berlin 12-14 June. Find out more about the world's leading asset management conference.