60 seconds with Pippa Malmgren, Trendspotter and founder of DPRM

We all know what they are experts on, but we want to know what makes our speakers tick. In this series, we sit down with some of our key speakers for 60 seconds to find out a bit more about them before they take to the stage at FundForum International in Berlin, 12-14 June 2017.
60 seconds with... Pippa Malmgren, Trendspotter and founder of DPRM
1. What is your personal philosophy?
Some ideas and people and places give you energy. Some drain it away. Ruthlessly stick with the former.
2. If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
An F1 engineer. Those guys assemble and unassemble a race car once a day, every day. They shave 1 gram of weight off as often as they can without threatening the structural integrity. I love the tire changes. Blink and you’ll miss it. An engineering pit on a F1 racetrack is where the rubber really meets road. I’d be tempted to spend a day making Louboutin stillettos as well. That’s an equally challenging kind of engineering.
3. Disruption is always on the tip of everyone's tongue. In your opinion, what is going to be the ultimate game-changer for the finance industry?
E-Money + Blockchain + Uber Scores for people = an entirely new system of accounting and money. Frankly, it means a whole new society. See the episode of Black Mirror episode on Netflix called “Nosedive”. It’s Orwell on steroids. Assets may not convert at 1:1. Stealthy confiscation of assets may be part of this picture.
4. What's your favourite thing about Berlin?
Sisyphos, Soho House, Tarantino’s Bar. Spies are still running amok in Berlin. Merkel kicked out the CIA station Chief last year and is now chasing Turkish and Russian spies. Berlin is the movie you usually have to go to a theatre to see.
5. What are you most looking forward to at FundForum International 2017?
Catching up with some old friends and meeting some new ones.
Want to hear more? Pippa Malgrem will be giving a keynote presentation, Geopolitics and the future of globalisation: what is still incorrectly priced in the market?, at the upcoming FundForum International, taking place in Berlin, 12-14 June. Find out more about the world's leading asset management conference.