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Partnering, Business Development & Licensing
Cell and gene therapy

Accellta CEO says israeli stem cell specialist seeks global partners

Posted by on 13 July 2017
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Accellta CEO Itzchak Angel speaks to Informa senior editor and writer Sten Stovall during the BIO-Europe Spring® partnering conference in Stockholm, Sweden about the Israeli stem cell specialist's stem cell culturing process and future expansion plans including a planned USD 15 million capital-raising exercise and ongoing search for future corporate partners. The potential applications of Accellta's technologies include the development of cell-based medical therapies, research tools and methods, drug screening and development and tissue engineering.

Interviewer: Sten Stovall – Senior Editor, Pharma Intelligence, In Vivo/Pink Sheet/Scrip
Interviewee: Itzchak Angel – CEO, Accellta

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