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Market Research
Customer service conference

Angry customers can add value to your business

Posted by on 04 October 2010
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As we work to provide customers with the best possible experience with our product or store, it can be frustrating when a customer approaches us angrily with a complaint. The customer is frustrated, too and it's partly as a result for their interaction with your good or service. But angry customers can be a welcome change as they may bring up issues that you thought were fine. has a great article today on this subject and we encourage you to check it out. Chuck Dennis writes, "you should want to be hassled by your dissatisfied customers! You need to know what irked them, so you can resolve it and not do it again. You need to know how upset they are, so you can make it up to them in a way that will help rebuild their trust. You think I am being dramatic here? I am not. Every customer is precious. Stay in front of them!"

How have customer complaint helped you improve your product or service?

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