Another Chance to Win "The Hidden Power of Your Customers"

Last week we featured a guest post by author Becky Carroll. Becky will be presenting 'Linking Social Media to Customer Behavior' during the Social Media CRM Symposium at the Total Customer Experience Leader's Summit. At that time we introduced our book giveaway trivia contest.
This week, we have a second chance to win The Hidden Power of Your Customers! Want to get your own autographed copy? Simply answer this trivia question:
What are the four principles that make up the ROCK acronym and help a business grow from their existing customers? (hint: you can find the answers on the Facebook page for The Hidden Power of Your Customers)
To enter, answer in the comments along with a valid email address. Or tweet the answer using hashtag #TCEL. We'll be randomly choosing a winner from all correct answers, make sure to answer by 9am EST on Friday, Sept. 23rd to be eligible.