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Asia Bio Partnering Forum
September 9–10, 2025Marina Sands Bay, Singapore

Jenny Yang
Senior Director, Global Search & Evaluation at Novo Nordisk


Dr Jenny Yang, Head of Novo Nordisk External Innovation Asia Pacific, is responsible for identification, evaluation, and collaboration of enabling technologies, new targets, and novel therapeutics from idea to phase 3 stage. Jenny graduated from Peking University. After obtaining her PhD degree from Columbia University, she did her postdoc training at California Institute of Technology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Jenny joined Novo Nordisk in 2008. She was Vice President of the company and leading drug discovery technology China unit before taking her current role in Corporate Development in 2020. She leads the global cross-functional team to conduct due diligence on projects to support transactions related to external opportunities, carry out different forms of open innovation according to the characteristics and nature of projects at different stages, build flexible and diverse external collaboration models, and actively promote innovation ecosystem development in Asia Pacific.

Agenda Sessions

  • Pharma perspectives: breaking barriers to build on opportunities in Asia Pacific
