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Asia Bio Partnering Forum
September 9–10, 2025Marina Sands Bay, Singapore

Jimmy Lin
General Manager at Insilico Medicine Taiwan


Jimmy is the Head of Insilico Medicine Taiwan, a subsidiary of Insilico Medicine. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in pharmaceutical sciences from ETH Zurich and completed his postdoctoral training at A*STAR Singapore and Harvard University. He is also serving as an adjunct assistant professor at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.

Insilico Medicine, a clinical-stage end-to-end artificial intelligence (AI)-driven drug discovery company, is connecting biology, chemistry, and clinical trial analysis using next-generation AI systems. The company has developed AI platforms that utilize deep generative models, reinforcement learning, transformers, and other modern machine learning techniques to discover novel targets and to design novel molecular structures with desired properties. Insilico Medicine is delivering breakthrough solutions to discover and develop innovative drugs for cancer, fibrosis, immunity, central nervous system diseases, and aging-related diseases.

Jimmy plays a leading role in multiple external collaboration projects in Insilico with top pharma companies and completes the milestones, such as Janssen, Astellas, Taisho and Syngenta. He also involves actively in Insilico pipeline development as well as technology invention. Recently, his team collaborates with Foxconn in quantum computing integrating AI and quantum chemistry for drug discovery. The results are publishing on peer-reviewed journals.

Agenda Sessions

  • AI-aided drug discovery: taking action, gaining momentum, and latest developments


At this event