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Asia Bio Partnering Forum
September 9–10, 2025Marina Sands Bay, Singapore

Glint Pharmaceuticals


Glint Pharmaceuticals is commercializing a patented nano barrier technology to treat eye diseases, from glaucoma to corneal surface abnormalities, from ocular surgery to trauma. The technology incorporates a drug delivery mechanism into a commercially available, single use disposable contact lens. The Glint lens provides a new, non-surgical method to treat eye disease, increasing patient compliance while delivering single or multiple drugs to the eye. Corneal injury from trauma, infection, or surgery effects over 8,000,000 people per year in the US and Europe. Blindness occurs in a significant number of cases. Eye drop therapy requires tens of drops each day which leads to non-compliance. A single or multi-drug eluting contact lens will offer convenience and cost savings for eye care providers and eliminate the drop burden for patients and their care givers while enhancing compliance.