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Asia Bio Partnering Forum
September 9–10, 2025Marina Sands Bay, Singapore



Lack of clinical trial awareness and access. Low and slow enrolment rates. Underrepresentation of certain populations such as racial and ethnic minorities, elderly patients, and individuals from low-income or rural areas. These are some problems the Oncoshot cancer clinical trial matching platform has addressed over the past four years. Oncoshot has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of the clinical trial enrolment process and the success rate of clinical trials by matching patients with the most appropriate trials based on their unique molecular profiles. Oncoshot generates leads for relevant clinical trials in minutes through its public-private collaborations. With the traditional approach, this can take weeks. This can lead to better treatment outcomes for cancer patients and accelerate the development of new cancer therapies. Thus far, Oncoshot has widened clinical trial access by building data sharing bridges across Australia, India, and Singapore, and will soon reach Japan and Taiwan. Just last October, Oncoshot, together with Roche and Icon Cancer Centre (Singapore) formed the first collaboration in SEA to digitise genomic data, further accelerating trial enrolment. Last December, it won the AustCham Digital Capability Award 2022 sponsored by the Australian High Commission in Singapore. Oncoshot aims to positively impact five million cancer patients by 2025, a goal fiercely driven by its CEO Dr Huren Sivaraj.