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Atlantic Real Estate Forum
Tuesday, November 4, 2025
Halifax Convention Centre

Sponsor eastern Canada's largest real estate forum

650+ senior decision-makers. | 170+ building owners, developers, and investors.

Contact for more information.

Why sponsor Atlantic Real Estate Forum?

Be seen

Make sure your company stands out at the Atlantic Real Estate Forum.

We provide the platform to connect with hundreds of senior decision-makers. Tell us your business goals. We'll help you achieve them.

Be heard

Speak at the 2024 forum and share your story with 500+ industry leaders. Interact with the attendees and gain new leads and prospects.

Meet and network

Join 500+ senior attendees from across the real estate industry. You won't get a better chance to generate new business from the people you value most.

Spotlight your brand all year round

Your brand presence is not limited to the event days alone.
Stay top of mind year-round with our digital sponsorship opportunities.

Atlantic Real Estate Forum by numbers


senior decision-makers


V-level and C-level executives


building owners, developers, and investors






What brings sponsors to the Atlantic Real Estate Forum?

You can gain maximum corporate exposure through sponsorship with measurable ROI. The Atlantic Real Estate Forum can help sponsors with:

  • Developing new business with real estate, property management, and financial institutions
  • Networking with hard-to-access executives, owners, and decision-makers
  • Set your company as a thought leader in the real estate space
  • Reinforcing or increasing your brand awareness as the leader in the Canadian real estate industry

Who attended the 2024 forum?

A snapshot of some of the organizations that joined us at the 2024 event:

Addenda Capital
ALL-TECH Environmental Services Limited
Altus Group
Armco Capital Inc.
ATMJ Properties Inc.
National Bank
BMO / Bank of Montreal
Brillante Group Property Holdings
Brunswick Brokers Ltd.

CBRE Limited
Choice Properties REIT
Colliers International
Colonnade Bridgeport
Compass Commercial Realty LP
Doucet Developments
Envision Saint John
First Mutual Properties
Foresight Atlantic Inc.
Harlow Properties
Historica Developments
iA Global Asset Management

Industrielle Alliance
J2K Properties
M.A. Commercial Properties
Mica Properties
National Bank of Canada
Northrup Properties
Orion M.C. Inc.
PMco Incorporated
PRODEV Consutlants and Creativ Commercial Realty
Ross Ventures Ltd.
Target 1 Real Estate Ltd

Championing sustainability as a sponsor

We are committed to creating a more sustainable event and believe your sponsorship can too! While we encourage less material waste at events, there are also sponsorship opportunities to align your brand with sustainable and social impact initiatives including:

  • Reusable water bottles
  • Sustainable bags
  • Eco-friendly journals
  • and more!

Contact the Sponsorship team to find out more!

John Johnston


Orion M.C. Inc

"The sessions were very informative - learned a lot about industry trends in our Atlantic Market, some updates on the economy and it was great to see old friends and colleagues again."

Get in touch

Tell us your business goals and we will help you achieve them.

If you’re interested in any of the sponsorship packages below, please contact:

Frank Scalisi - Director of Sales
Connect with me on LinkedIn