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Market Research
The Market Research Technology Event

Augmented reality glasses on the way from Google?

Posted by on 03 January 2012
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Can you imagine walking around with a pair of glasses on and targeted information appears in the lens of your glasses? According to a recent post from Fast Company, Google is working very diligently at making this a reality. Their connection with the Android makes the technology possible, and their extensive database with user information would allow anything that appears on the glasses lens to be selected specifically for the user.

At this year's The Market Research Technology Event, we'll have a full day symposium on Mobile Research & Technologies Symposia, which looks specifically at new technologies like this that can look at how people use technology on the go, and possibly how augmented reality could fit into the picture in the future. As a valued reader of The Market Research Event's blog, we'd like to offer you an exclusive discount of 15% off the standard rate for The Market Research Technology Event when you register and mention code MRTECH12BLOG! If you have any questions about the event, feel free to email Jennifer Pereira at or visit the webpage.

What impact could technology like this have on the user? What would be the advantages for marketers with an augmented reality like this?

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