Basel IV/CRD V readiness: How prepared is your firm?
What do you view as the biggest challenge firms are facing with Basel IV/CRD V implementation, how prepared are firms to meet these new requirements, and what part of the regulation do you see as impacting your firm the most?
Take our survey to share your insights. Submissions are anonymous. As a thank you for your participation, you will receive an advanced copy of the report.
Do any of the statements below resonate? If so, then you should consider a more strategic approach to Basel IV/CRD V. Please visit our website or get in touch to find out more:
- An emphasis, within Basel IV/CRD V, on relationships among the different sources of risk confirms the need for a unified solution.
- Accurately assessing interdependencies between various components of Basel IV/CRD V is impossible when each department uses idiosyncratic methods, often supported by systems from different vendors.
- The benefits of flexibility and adaptability derived from centralized storage, strong data lineage and modular design will come in handy in case Basel IV/CRD V isn’t the last word on financial supervision.