Best Practice Frameworks for Customer Experience Practitioners

Bill Barnes presents "Best Practice Frameworks for Customer Experience Practitioners" at Total CX Leaders Conference, June 3, 2015.
Many Customer Experience (CX) experts are facing the same pain points with their programs:
- Results are not improving
- Results are not actionable
- Culture is not customer-centric
- Leadership is not engaged
- Don't know what to work on
- Customer responses are not representative
- No business relevance for results
- Can't disseminate the customer data to key internal individuals in the format needed
During the Total CX Leaders Conference, Bill Barnes, Senior Vice President, Burke, Inc., provided valuable insights to help CX practitioners remove their pain points through best practices at these three levels:
- Strategic Framework: Business performance is at the center with supporting layers that include customer engagement, brand image/product and service experience, employee engagement, customer-centric culture, leadership, and the external environment.
- Business Relevance Framework: A blueprint to link the business performance chain, which includes employees, the work, customer experiences, customer behavior, and business results.
- Program Design/Execution Framework: Includes journey mapping and a customer experience/engagement measurement system.
Through this interactive session, CX professionals learned about these key takeaways to help them improve their CX programs:
- Establish frameworks for your CX program that go from strategic to tactical
- Investigate if emotions should be part of your index
- Ensure your program has good market research practices for sampling and statistical precision
- Ensure verbatim analysis is aligned with statistical precision/key driver analysis of CX touch points
- Invest in digital dissemination tools that have the customization needed for your organization
- A key result measure for your organization should be data access
- You have to wear many hats
- Need to balance leading internal process measures with external CX measures
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- Customer Experience Leaders
- Customer Experience Leaders
Peggy L. Bieniek, ABC is an Accredited Business Communicator specializing in corporate communication best practices. Connect with Peggy on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and on her website at