Big Data and the Government: What has Todd Park uncovered?

Todd Park is looking at certain aspects of the government as a startup. Why? He's the Cheif Technology Officer with a lot of data that has to be organized. The government produces so much data every day - what could lie behind it? Look a what opening up weather data did for the private sector. Not to mention the way that GPS has transformed the way the nation gets from A to B. One of Park's successful initiatives before this position at Health and Human Services was the creation of the Health Data Initiative. They can take every day data and apply it to public safety, energy, education and non profits. By capturing and translating this data, they will eventually be able to create a transparent and efficient government. For more on the interview with Park, visit Fast Company.
Can big data help companies become more transparent and operate more efficiently? This fall at The Market Research Event, we'll have a track dedicated to this new trend including speakers from LinkedIn, Nestle Purina Petcare Russia, Advanced Auto Plus and the Home Depot to share how they're using big data to uncover insights and share with the vast amounts of data that is now being created. For more information on these presentations and the rest of the agenda, download the brochure. If you'd like to join us in Boca Raton this November 12-14, register today and mention code TMRE12BLOG to save 15% off the standard rate!
What aspects of your business do you see being improved if you embrace and properly analyze some of the big data you're collecting?