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BioProcess International Europe
12-15 May 2025
Congress Center HamburgHamburg, Germany

Alexander Doerfler
Senior Expert Science and Technology, Biostatistician at Novartis


Alexander Dörfler is a physicist and an expert in modeling. He began his studies at the University of Basel, focusing on molecular quantum dynamics. During his PhD, he was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship, leading to influential publications in Nature, Science and Physical Review Research.

Alexander Dörfler then transitioned to the pharmaceutical industry, joining Sandoz, where he contributed to the development of generic drugs. Later, he shifted to innovative medicine, applying his expertise in modeling and statistics to biological drug substance development. His work continues to impact the fields of pharmacology and therapeutics, bridging research and practical application in healthcare.

Agenda Sessions

  • Modeling of bioprocess pre-stages for optimization of perfusion profiles and increased process understanding
