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BioProcess International Europe
12-15 May 2025
Congress Center HamburgHamburg, Germany

Guy Matthews
Director Single Use Technology at FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific


Guy is the Director Single Use Technology, Fujifilm Irvine Scientific Inc (FISI). Guy has worked in the biopharmaceutical industry all his career and has seen the implementation of single use technologies from the very beginning. Guy started out as a Microbiologist at a CMO in the UK, before moving into more commercial roles. Guy has experience of both upstream and downstream processing. The focus being on the application of single use technology, to drive safety, productivity, and accessibility.

With his team at FISI, Guy is working on developing products and services that combine all the knowhow and expertise of Fujifilm. With the aim to have a positive impact on the supply of biopharmaceuticals, as well as on society more widely.

Agenda Sessions

  • The first on-demand, automated solution for powdered media and buffer hydration
