Marian MagdyDepartment Head Protein Purification at Minapharm PharmaceuticalsSpeaker
Marian Magdy is a biopharmaceutical professional with almost 16 years of experience in the industry. A pharmacy graduate from 2001, Marian began her career at the Central administration of Pharmaceutical affairs, where she worked until 2008. In 2009, she joined Minapharm as a downstream processing specialist in the research and development lab, advancing through the ranks to be the head of the downstream department starting 2019. Today, Marian leads the development of the downstream process of several projects including monoclonal antibodies, hormones & vaccines. She also contributed in the technology transfer and the upscale of several projects to the commercial scale.
Agenda Sessions
Optimizing mAb purification: A Fast, Efficient Two-Step Process
, 10:05View Session