Call for Submissions: Achieving Customer Relevance, the destination those looking to understand how to reach targeted life styles and stages.

Achieving Customer Relevance
Strategies for Connecting Lifestyles within Life Stages
May 10-12, 2010
Chicago, IL
The Institute for International Research is excited to announce that production of the Achieving Customer Relevance conference is underway. We will be reviewing presentation submissions until September 21st ' space is limited so please submit your ideas TODAY! This three-day event is the destination those looking to understand how to reach targeted life styles and stages. From the segmentation to the marketing, explore best practices for pinpointing innovative ways to deeply connect with profitable segments, growing segments and new segments to maximize lifetime value and achieve sustainable growth.
Your Opportunity
We are currently recruiting corporate practitioners to share unique ideas, perspectives and case studies related to future trends. Got a good story to tell? Have a provocative perspective that needs to be shared? I'm interested in hearing from you.
Session topics include but are not limited to:
' Transition in Life Stage: How Your Customer Evolves
' Breaking into New Life Stages without Alienating Your Consumer Base
' Products Across Life Stages- Which Ones Succeed and Why?
' Common Threads and Differences in Specific Segments
' Creating an Authentic Message to Build Loyalty for Life
' The Spread of Technology through Life Stages
' Keeping Your Product Relevant as Your Consumer Ages
' Trends in Social Media and Technology
Submission Guidelines & Deadline
For consideration, please e-mail Amy Kritzer at with the following information by Monday, September 21st:
' Proposed speaker name(s), job title(s), and company name(s)
' Contact information including address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail
' Title of presentation
' Brief overview of the presentation (1 paragraph plus 3 ' 5 key audience 'takeaways): Please write this with the knowledge that if your proposal is selected, this description will be printed in the brochure
' Previous conference presentations and/or brief speaker biography
Due to the high volume of responses, we are unable to respond to each submission. All those selected to participate as speakers will be notified shortly after the deadline.
Thank you for your interest in Achieving Customer Relevance!
All the best,
Amy Kritzer
Senior Conference Producer
Marketing and Business Strategy Division
Institute for International Research