Competency Based Interviewing & Selection for Hiring Managers Agenda
- Why talent is important
- Global talent trends
- Case studies – Good vs. great companies
This session will explore what McKinsey calls “The War for Talent”. We learn why all organisations must adopt a “talent culture” if they wish to succeed. We explore one of the fundamental reasons why companies move from “good to great”.
- The importance of getting recruitment right
- The recruitment process
- The common mistakes in hiring
- The problem with recruitment
We look at typical ways that companies hire and the most common mistakes in hiring (and how to avoid those mistakes). We explore the typical recruitment process and the critical control points.
Competency Frameworks
- What is a competency framework?
- An in-depth look at defining role responsibilities and organisational behaviours. We will look at how competency frameworks provide clarification around the skills, knowledge, abilities, attributes, experience, personality traits and motivators required for a role.
Getting It Right From The Start
Too often we begin from the wrong place in recruitment. In this part of the course, we explore the reasons for recruiting and look at the end result and problems we are trying to solve.
Creating A Brilliant Brief And Job Description With Competencies At The Core
The brief is the most important part of a job role but sadly, it is often neglected. Here, we will look at the roles you typically try and recruit for and deconstruct the brief.
First Exploration Of Typical Competencies
Did you know there are over 40 agreed competencies to hire for? In this session, we look at those competencies in greater depth and adopt a “less is more” approach. We will adopt a “four squared” approach that breaks down the four main generic clusters of competencies.
Getting The Right Competencies Into The Brief
Once we have looked at the competencies, we can then incorporate them into the brief so we have the perfect roadmap to recruit for. On this day, we will also use competencies to identify gaps in your organisation and allow for succession planning.
We explore the practical use of competencies when hiring and how to incorporate them into your search. We take a break from the core-competency administration and share some tips and hints on how to conduct effective search and selection.
We also look at “managing up”, where we can influence the key decision makers in our organisations to hire correctly using competencies. We look at where to find the right people and creating great advertising using competencies.
- Searching using competencies
- Working with hiring managers and the competency framework
- Where to find the right people
- Creating great advertising using competencies
Selection Tools
- We then look at appropriate selection tools.
- Once the qualities desired in candidates have been identified, recruiters need to select the appropriate selection tools to identify and verify them.
Competency Based Interviewing
This is the most common selection tool and we look at why many organisations don’t make the best of it. We look at effective interviewing techniques and how to successfully interview.
Competencies And Psychometric Testing
We explore tests, questionnaires and exercises that illustrate if the competencies we require can be found in places “beyond the interview”. Creating great questions based upon competencies – some of the best questions currently in use around the world that will help you find the answers you require.