Certificate in Emerging Technologies for Business Transformation
Leverage Emerging Digital Technologies To Lead Your Business Into The Digital Economy
Sign Up for Our Professional Certificate in Emerging Technologies for Business Transformation Training
Understand the components of a digital economy, business value chains & Fourth Industrial Revolution
Why Attend?
Advancements in technology have resulted in immense improvements in computational power across nearly all electronic devices and enhanced capabilities in connecting the dots in an increasingly networked society. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) which encompasses disruptive technologies and environments is changing the way we live and work!
Technologies nowadays induce governments and businesses to transform their business models, processes, and operations. Lagging behind would risk long-term survival strategies...
This insightful bootcamp is designed to engage attendees in a unique experience exploring future technologies as part of the 4IR, their history, their application, and their impact on people, societies, and businesses. Attendees will learn about these technologies and examine how they can support their business and potentially how to commercially benefit from the rise of these technologies.
The bootcamp is full of ideas and stimulating discussions of how technologies are helping people, societies, and governments, and how they are benefiting from these technologies...
Benefits Of Attending
- Study the concepts, techniques, and models of: Digitalisation, Data Science, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Algorithms – and how all are related
- Understand the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies and monitoring the technologies (from Innovation Trigger to Plateau of Productivity)
- Explore the value of using Big Data technologies, 5G, Cloud Computing and Cybersecurity
- Explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT), and their impact on business and social life
- Establish a thorough understanding of how Blockchain is changing the world and its applications in various industries
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Future Technologies – Emerging Technologies
- Technology Hype Cycle
- Smart Governments and Smart Cities
- Digital Economy
- Business Models for Technology
- Digital Experience
- Applied Analytics
- Blockchain
- Enabling Platforms and Technologies
- Everything Autonomous
- Everything Smart
- Cyber Security
Run this course in-house
For over 29 years, Informa Connect Academy’s customised training solutions have helped organisations deliver tailored learning in different languages to suit every requirement.
Bespoke training designed for your organisation only, combining traditional classroom setting, blended and online learning models
Is this course for you?
Who Should Attend
This bootcamp is designed and tailored for:
- Anyone interested in knowing about future technologies and emerging technologies, their applications, usefulness, and how to utilise such a tremendous technological spike for business disruption, growth, and innovation
- Those who are currently involved in the application of technology advancement to develop and improve products/services in their organisation
- Government leaders, entrepreneurs, business leaders and technology enthusiasts who are looking for a competitive edge or gaining a “first mover” advantage in one or many technological practices
- IT / Digital Professional
- Other non-IT/digital professionals who are interested in learning about future technologies and their applications.
Course Information
Program level: Advanced
Delivered by Hossam
Freelance consultant and instructor for project management & business analysis
Run this course in-house
For over 29 years, Informa Connect Academy’s customised training solutions have helped organisations deliver tailored learning in different languages to suit every requirement