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ChinaBio® Partnering Forum

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Kerry Hotel Pudong
September 10–11, 2024 | Shanghai, ChinaSeptember 16–17, 2024 | Virtual

Dongxu Qiu
Chairman at CanSino Biologics


Don has extensive management experience in the biotech industry. Don co-founded CanSino Biologics Inc and helped company to raise a total of US$ more than 1.1 billion through Angel, VC, PE and IPOs; Don also worked for ChinaBio LLC for more than five years as GM of China to finish more than 40 projects for MNCs, venture capital and biotech companies. He also worked for HUYA Bioscience International as MD of China to look for new technologies in China. Don has been served as Board Director and VP of Suzhou GenePharma Co. to help the company raising more than US$ 20 million. He also is Board Director GeneQuantum healthcare Co. and helped the company raising US$ 100 millions in two rounds of VC financing. As a senior consultant, Don also helped PharmaLegacy Laboratories to raise US$ 10 millions. Previously, he was with MDS Capital as Director of Asian Operations, where he involved in investment activities in North America and Taiwan. Don has spent nine years in senior management positions with Biomira, AltaRex and Arius Research, taking two compounds to the clinic. He holds a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry from Peking University and an MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business, the University of Western Ontario.

Agenda Sessions

  • Healthy China 2030: examining market access challenges, investment strategies and the role of multi-national companies
