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ChinaBio® Partnering Forum

Event begins in:

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Kerry Hotel Pudong
September 10–11, 2024 | Shanghai, ChinaSeptember 16–17, 2024 | Virtual

Ivy Geng
Head of Business Development and Alliance Management, Executive Director at Keymed Biosciences


Ivy Geng, M.A, MBA, has served as Head of Business Development and Alliance Management at Keymed Bio since 2022.

Ivy Geng has conducted business development activities for more than ten years, covering both R&D BD and Commercial BD in multi-national companies and biotech.

Prior to joining in Keymed, Ivy served as Director of Business Development and Alliance Management at Ferring Pharmaceutical, where she led the series of successful divestitures and asset acquisition. Previously, Ivy served as lead of BD and New Product Planning at Takeda. Before Takeda, Ivy served in China domestic pharmaceutical companies, including Luoxin Pharma and Luye Pharma for BD and investment activities.

As Head of Business Development and Alliance Management, Ivy has built Keymed business development and alliance management strategy, assembled a highly capable cross-functional BD team, and overseen the advancement of the BD activities. Ivy led and completed the out-license transaction with AstraZeneca for CMG901 (an anti-Claudin 18.2 ADC) in Feb 2023; and collaborate with Orbimed to jointly establish a NewCo Belenos to develop CM512 and CM536 outside of the Greater China region in July 2024.

Ivy had a M.A. in British and American Literature from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and a M.B.A from Fudan University.

Agenda Sessions

  • Outlicensing Innovative Products by Chinese Biotech Companies


At this event