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ChinaBio® Partnering Forum

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Kerry Hotel Pudong
September 10–11, 2024 | Shanghai, ChinaSeptember 16–17, 2024 | Virtual

Josh Jin
Executive Director at NRL Capital


Dr. Jiaqi (Josh) Jin joined NRL Capital in 2024 as Executive Director leading direct investment in the healthcare sector. Prior to that, Dr. Jin was a VP at Lilly Asia Ventures where he led the investment of ProfoundBio in 2021 and had served as Board Director for 3 years until the acquisition by Genmab. Before starting VC investment in 2019, Dr. Jin was a senior consultant at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Shanghai office. Dr. Jin obtained his PhD from the Genetics Department at Yale University in 2016 and his bachelor degree from Fudan University in 2010.

Agenda Sessions

  • Achieving successful cross-border M&A transactions
