Michael ChenCBO at Micot Technology Ltd.Speaker
Micot has 4 integrated technology platforms supporting the peptide drug innovation for meeting the unmet medical needs from patients suffering from chronic diseases. The clinical development of MT1013 has paced into Phase 3, targeting BIC of SHPT treatment with high potential as SHPT induced osteoporosis therapeutics. MT1002 and MT2004 aim for ACS-PCI MRCT and NASH/DILI, respectively, are in Phase 2 stage. Other early-staged clinical products ranging across metabolic diseases, OP, cardiovascular, CNS (BBB penetration), ophthalmology and renal diseases also arm the pipelines of Micot. Currently, the MT1009 and MT1011 have received IND approval for treating GIOP & PMOP and anticoagulant, respectively . Meanwhile XTL6001 representing the obesity and renal complication products of Micot is in IND-launched stage. R&D staged pipelines, such as pain, pruritus, Dry-AMD and other indications therapeutics, enhance the unique field of indication strategy of Micot, and also illustrate the ability of Micot technology platform to create productive FIC/BIC therapeutics.