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Climate Risk Reporting
11-12 March 2025
Millennium Gloucester HotelLondon

Aleyn Smith-Gillespie
Director at Carbon Trust


Aleyn leads the Carbon Trust's ICT and energy practice for corporate sustainability, and work on Net Zero transition programmes. This includes designing and delivering industry collaboration initiatives and advising companies on decarbonising their value chains. A focal point is bringing together industry, technology/solution providers, and financing to create value and achieve climate ambitions.

Prior to joining the Carbon Trust, Aleyn worked for several years in strategy consulting for Booz & Co (formerly Booz Allen Hamilton) in the UK, as part of the telecoms and supply chain practices, as well as at a tech consultancy in China. Aleyn holds a Bachelor of Arts in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, and a dual master's degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in economic development and technology policy.

The Carbon Trust is an international consultancy and innovation partner working with businesses, governments and financial institutions worldwide to accelerate their journeys to Net Zero.

Agenda Sessions

  • Transition planning: Preparer experiences
