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Climate Risk Reporting
11-12 March 2025
Millennium Gloucester HotelLondon

Jovana Stopic
ESG Director at IK Partners


Jovana Stopic joined IK Partners in 2019 and works as an Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Director in London, within the ESG team. She is responsible for engaging on ESG matters with internal teams, portfolio companies and our investors. Since joining, she has used her passion to drive continuous change in this area, continuously updating related policies and supporting ESG integration throughout the investment lifecycle.

Before joining IK, Jovana gained considerable experience working as an independent Business and Human Rights Consultant, after spending a decade at the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights. She holds an LLM in Transnational Law (Distinction) from the Dickson Poon School of Law at King’s College London in addition to an LLM and LLB from the University of Belgrade.

In her spare time, Jovana enjoys spending time with her family, cooking, reading and expanding her knowledge on the environment at large.

Jovana Stopic's Network

Agenda Sessions

  • Investor panel: Shaping investment themes alongside disclosures and transition plans
