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Climate Risk Reporting
11-12 March 2025
Millennium Gloucester HotelLondon

Mark Hill
Climate and Sustainability Lead at The Pensions Regulator


Mark is the Climate and Sustainability Lead within The Pensions Regulator (TPR), responsible for developing the regulatory response to climate change and sustainability disclosure requirements and delivering TPR’s Climate Change Strategy. He brings some 30 years of experience working predominantly in the public sector.

Prior to joining TPR, Mark worked for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) within the Defence Infrastructure Organization where he led on climate change and sustainability. During his time with MoD, Mark contributed to the Defence Climate Change and Sustainability Review which ultimately led to the publication of the Climate Change and Sustainability Strategic Approach in 2021. In tandem he developed a Defence Energy and Emissions Strategy and was involved in work to mobilise third party capital to invest in renewables across the Defence estate, before attending COP 26 as part of the Cabinet Office’s COP 26 Unit. Just before leaving the MoD to join TPR, he was busy supporting cross sector work to integrate climate risks into sustainable land management and specifically brownfield land development.

Agenda Sessions

  • Setting corporate governance and working with the Board
