Rev. Joshua MessickExecutive Director /Port Chaplain at Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center/ Port of BaltimoreSpeaker
The Rev. Joshua Messick is Executive Director of the Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center, The Mission to Seafarers station in Baltimore, MD, and Port Chaplain for the Port of Baltimore. He is also the senior Mission to Seafarers chaplain in the United States. Josh is a stout advocate for the rights of seafarers and works diligently to diminish the effects of “Sea Blindness” on the general public through education and outreach. He is also a qualified SafeTALK instructor, promoting suicide awareness within the maritime community using material developed by The Mission to Seafarers that specifically addresses the unique challenges seafarers are faced with. He has worked directly with the crew of the Dali since the Key Bridge disaster and continues to support and advocate for the members of that crew that remain in Baltimore.
Agenda Sessions
Seafarers Without a Ship: Lessons on Continuity of Care Following the Key Bridge Disaster
, 09:40View Session