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Construction Law Summer School
Monday 4 - Friday 8 August 2025
Downing CollegeUniversity of Cambridge, UK

Charles Blamire-Brown
Partner at Pinsent Masons


Charles is a Partner and Solicitor-Advocate at Pinsent Masons LLP specialising in representing clients in international arbitration and other dispute resolution procedures as well as providing claims and project advisory support in connection with major construction, infrastructure and energy projects. He has represented parties as counsel and advocate in international arbitration proceedings under the ICC, LCIA, UNCITRAL, and CEPANI Rules and in ad-hoc arbitrations. He has conducted a number of disputes in the London Technology & Construction Court. He has also represented clients in alternative forms of dispute resolution including, dispute boards (both DAB and DAAB), adjudication, mediation and expert determination. He has advised owners, operators and contractors in respect of a range of energy and infrastructure projects including roads, rail, airports, ports, sports stadia, power generation and supply (including nuclear, offshore wind, solar, power stations, waste-to energy and pipelines), industrial plants, hotels and commercial premises in the UK, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Central America with a particular focus on Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS States. Charles is recognised as a Future Leader in both Construction and International Arbitration by Who’s Who Legal.

Agenda Sessions

  • Termination


At this event