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Consumer Duty
February 2025
Millennium KnightsbridgeLondon

Jamie Jenkins
Director of Policy & External Affairs at Royal London


Jamie has worked in financial services for over 30 years, primarily in long-term savings. He has held positions in Operations, Marketing, Proposition Development, Public Relations and Policy.

In 2017, Jamie was appointed by the Department for Work & Pensions to chair the Automatic Enrolment review on coverage, which resulted in the proposals to remove the Lower Earnings Limit from pension calculations and lower the minimum age for eligibility from 22 to 18. Both changes are now being progressed through parliament.

In 2018, he held a global role, speaking to people around the world about different retirement systems and how countries were facing up to the challenge of an ageing population.

He is on the Trustee Board of the Pensions Policy Institute and the Policy Board of the Pensions & Lifetime Savings Association, alongside several other industry-related committees.

Jamie is Director of Policy & Communications for Royal London

Agenda Sessions

  • Exploring the post-implementation impact of the duty: The impending shift in an organisation’s culture
