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Consumer Duty
February 2026
Venue TBCLondon



Acrolinx is your enterprise content insurance policy. Our AI-powered content governance software captures and digitizes your style guide to make your writing standards standard.

Acrolinx governs new and existing content written by people and generative AI. Whether your company has written 100,000 words or billions, Acrolinx makes sure each one reflects your style guide. Customers enjoy massive efficiency gains without sacrificing standards through AI-powered live writing assistance, automated reviews and quality gates, and analytics comparing content quality with performance.

By using Acrolinx, financial firms can analyze gaps in the readability of their content, provide an action plan on improving it, and guide writers to update content so that it complies with the Consumer Duty regulations.

With an LLM infrastructure anchored in Azure AI, Acrolinx guarantees scale, future-readiness, and uncompromising safety and security. Born out of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), AI runs deep in Acrolinx’s DNA. Learn more at