Customers 1st Speaker Profile: Michael Tchong, Ubercool

Michael Tchong will be presenting the keynote speech "I Want to Tweet You Up: What Emerging Customer Trends Mean for Your Business," Wednesday, November 4 at the NACCM: Customers 1st conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Find out more about the conference here and download the conference brochure here.
Michael Tchong has spent more than 20 years living at the bleeding edge of consumer technology trends. His uncanny knack for being ahead of the curve has earned him a reputation as one of the savviest thinkers of the information age.
A serial entrepreneur, Michael developed a host of successful media and technology companies to help consumers and businesses harness the potential of new technologies. His successes include founding MacWEEK, Atelier Systems (personal communications), CyberAtlas (Internet market research), ICONOCAST (online marketing) and Ubercool, a media and entertainment company targeting trendwatchers and trendsetters.
Michael surfs the scene with relentless energy, translating trends to help businesses identify emerging opportunities. He maintains eight blogs, including China Trends and My Lappy, and is currently working on his sixth start-up, which will reinvent the marketing and media worlds. Michael's a global citizen who sees the big picture from his perch in San Francisco's Potrero Hill district.
A sought-after speaker, Michael has been quoted by, or appeared on, such leading media as Access Hollywood, BBC News, Bloomberg TV, Business Week, CNET, Fast Company, Fox News, UK's Independent, PBS, The New York Times, Variety, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and Wired.
Biography coutersey of iMedia Connection.
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