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Module 3
Module 3
Classification and Regulatory Control of Offshore Units
This module provides existing surveyors, or those wishing to develop their career further by entering the offshore survey arena, with the cardinal information required to understand the technical and legislative aspects of the classification and regulatory control of offshore floating units. When undertaking, the study required by this module, students must remain mindful that the offshore industry is an international business that is unique in its setting, operations and controls and that is not necessarily homogenous in approach across the globe. Care must be taken in this respect when discussing the offshore industry and that local requirements are both observed and complied with.
Learning Outcomes
- Describe the origin and role of classification societies
- Understand and discuss the requirements of classification societies
- Discuss the role of flag state authorities and coastal state authorities including the MODU Code
- Demonstrate a knowledge of safety cases
- Confidently advise on asset integrity management and life extension studies
Course Content
- Classification societies, origin and their role in the offshore industry
- The origin of classification societies
- The need for control
- Lloyd’s Coffee House, London, Great Britain
- Mr Edward Lloyd
- Classification
- Classification in the offshore industry
- Classification society rules for offshore floating units
- Offshore floating vessels – non-MODU
- Flag state administrations and their role in the offshore industry
- Flag state administration
- Flag states and the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
- Flag states and the International Convention on The Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
- Propelled or non-propelled – why the role of flag state is confusing
- Propelled or non-propelled?
- Flag state administration role with non-propelled units
- Flag state administration role with propelled units
- Flag state surveys and survey delegation
- IMO Resolution A.739 (18)
- IMO Resolution A.789(19)
- Flag state administration additional instructions
- Coastal state authority and their role in the offshore industry
- Coastal state – zones
- Continental shelf
- Contiguous zone
- Exclusive economic zone
- The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
- Coastal state regulations
- Safety cases
- Manning of mobile offshore drilling units (MODU)
- The Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
- Use of the MODU code in the offshore industry
- The intentions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
- Asset integrity management and life extension studies
- Life extension studies
- Asset integrity management